Stella Maris Mass and Farewell to Martin Foley, CEO
A special Mass was organised by seafarers and fishers’ charity, Stella Maris (formerly known as Apostleship of the Sea) at the Cathedral on Wednesday, 22nd March to bid farewell to the charity’s former CEO Martin Foley who has stepped down after 13 years’ service.

Both the Mass and Reception were well-attended by many Stella Maris’ supporters, colleagues, and friends.
The chief celebrant was Bishop Paul Mason, who is also a trustee for Stella Maris and its bishop promoter for England and Wales.
In his homily, Bishop Mason reflected on references to the sea in the Bible. He said:
"In Genesis, it starts off with the formless void... But the Spirit hovers over those waters and brings order."
When the people of Israel leave Egypt and come to the Red Sea, God opens a path for them through the waters.... "the storms threaten, but God finds a way through the sea, he said.
"God helps us weather the storms that come through life.... The boat is a metaphor for our Church - offering a place of safety."
Bishop Paul pointed out Stella Maris is part of the fleet; offering support and security to seafarers in more than 300 ports worldwide.
At the end of Mass, Martin was presented with a Papal Blessing.
After Mass, a reception was held in Amigo Hall where Martin Foley and Captain Dr Esteban Pacha, Stella Maris Chair of Trustees, gave short presentations.
Martin now takes up the role of Chief Executive Officer with the Arise Foundation, an anti-slavery NGO.
View Bishop Paul Mason's Homily
Text Source - ICN