Service to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the St Oscar Romero Cross in Southwark
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Romero Cross, the national shrine of St Oscar Romero, a special ecumenical service is being held at St George’s Cathedral in Southwark. The service of a Sung Evening Prayer will be led by Archbishop John Wilson on Thursday 28 September at 6 pm.

The Romero Shrine in St George’s Cathedral has been a Diocesan Shrine since 2013. The importance and love of St Oscar Romero has continued to grow in the UK since then, through the work of the Romero Trust and the Romero Award for schools.
This led to the shrine being elevated to the status of a National Shrine for England and Wales in May 2023.
Canon Michael Branch, the Dean of St George’s Cathedral said:
“St Oscar Romero is an example for all of us on what it truly means to be a follower of Christ and to love our neighbour, which is why he continues to inspire millions of people around the world.
“It is a privilege to have a National Shrine for St Oscar at our Cathedral and I encourage all to attend what will be a beautiful service, where we can pray for his intercession so that we too can be outspoken advocates of the Gospel.”
The Romero Cross is in St George’s Cathedral between chapels dedicated to St Joseph and St Patrick. It was commissioned by the Archbishop Romero Trust in partnership with the Cathedral.
Within the cross is a reliquary containing Archbishop Romero's zuchetto (skull-cap) and a piece of the blood-stained alb that he was wearing when he was martyred on 24 March 1980.
St Oscar Romero was Archbishop of San Salvador in El Salvador from February 1977 until his assassination and martyrdom on 24 March 1980.
He was an outspoken advocate of the Gospel and the teaching of the Catholic Church in defence of justice and peace, human rights and the protection of the poor. In March 2018, Pope Francis approved a miracle attributed to Romero which led to his canonisation on 14 October 2018.
The ecumenical service will begin at 6 pm on Thursday 28 September at St George’s RC Metropolitan Cathedral, Lambeth Road, London, SE1 6HR.
The preacher at the service will be the Very Rev. Dr John Hall – the former Dean of Westminster Abbey.
After the service, a reception will be held in Amigo Hall (next to the Cathedral).
Parishes, schools and individual pilgrims from across the country will be most welcome at this sacred space of prayer and veneration. It will be an inspiration for all our work in support of the poor and marginalised of our world, in imitation of our martyred Saint Oscar.
All are welcome, but you are encouraged to RSVP by 21 September by emailing or to The Dean, Cathedral House, Westminster Bridge Road, London, SE1 7HY.