COME TO ME: A Day of Healing in Southwark
You are invited to come and experience the healing love of Christ with the Southwark Charismatic Team, through worship, talks, prayer ministry, a Eucharistic healing service, Confession and Holy Mass in St George's Cathedral on Saturday 19th February between 10 am - 5 pm.

Healing was very much part of Jesus’ ministry when he was on earth and the crowds flocked to hear him not just because of his teaching, but because of the healings and miracles they saw. Ever since healing has always been part of the life of the Catholic Church – either through the lives of saints or at special shrines like Lourdes. Many priests will testify how the sacrament of the sick can also have a powerful effect on those who receive it, and even if not they are not healed they receive new peace and consolation in being able to bear their illness.
Over the last 50 years the Holy Spirit, through the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, has brought fresh impetus to this ministry. The newly formed CHARIS team in the Southwark diocese made up of representatives of different charismatic groups and communities, at the suggestion of Archbishop John Wilson, have joined together to put on a special day of healing at St George’s Cathedral on Saturday 19th February 10 am to 5 pm.
The day will involve the charism of healing in its many forms. The title “Come To Me” (Matt 11) was chosen to remind us that it is Jesus, and not the individuals he might use, who is the healer. He loves us and by presenting ourselves for prayer for healing we are surrendering our lives to Jesus in faith, trusting that Jesus will work in some way in our lives to bring us the healing we need, even if it is not the instant solution we might want.
In the morning there will be a talk by Reverend John Ryeland, who is an Anglican priest and the Director of the well respected Christian Healing Mission. He has a lot of experience in this ministry, particularly in training Christians to pray for those around them.
There will also be a witness by Alice Hall, a member of the Sion Community for evangelisation. She will share her experience of the Unbound model of deliverance and inner healing. We might not have been involved in the occult but often lives can be blighted by spirits of rejection or perfectionism etc, that have both spiritual and psychological roots. The Unbound model discovered that these can be mitigated and even overcome by following a five-step process, key of which is repentance. Thus an integral part of the healing day will also be opportunities for the sacrament of Confession.
In the afternoon, there will be a Eucharistic healing service led by Deacon Neil Philipson, who is originally from South Africa, and is now working in the Archdiocese of Southwark.
The day will conclude with a concelebrated healing Mass led by Fr Joseph Edattu VC, who is the director of Divine Retreat Centre in Ramsgate. This retreat centre is an offshoot of the famous Potta centre in India which has been responsible for thousands of conversions and healings over the last 35 years. Unable to run retreats during the COVID lockdown, Fr Joseph and his team initiated an amazing online ministry and his daily Mass, preaching and prayer sessions, now attract 40,000 viewers every day.
As Jesus says “Come To Me”. You won’t be disappointed!
Watch the Day of Healing Livestream
Practical Information
- Please bring a packed lunch. Teas and coffees will be available in Amigo Hall.
- We ask those who wish to attend to register if possible: but please come anyway.
- How to find St George's Cathedral, Southwark