Archbishop John Wilson’s reflections on the Synod on Synodality
Having just returned from the month-long Synod on Synodality in Rome, Archbishop John Wilson has shared his reflections on the Synod and what it means for our Archdiocese.

The Synod is leading us forward on the way together – the Way who is the Lord Jesus himself, our Truth and our Life.
Sharing his reflections, Archbishop John provides background on the Synodal process, the work that took place prior to the Synod and the call it makes for us all.
Archbishop John reminds us, as the Holy Father made clear, that the Synod is not a parliament or referendum on Church teaching.
In his reflections, he explains that our faith is given to us through the Church and the Apostolic Tradition. That we must be open to all, just as the Lord Jesus was in his earthly ministry. But that we must not set human experience against divine revelation, received through Scripture and Tradition, as somehow corrective of a now outdated deposit of faith.
The Gospel challenges us to accept Christ’s invitation. If we empty the Gospel of its challenge, adapting it to our own way of thinking, then we empty the Gospel of its power to save.
Please do take a moment to read the reflections in full. Let us all continue to pray and discern what Synodality means for our Archdiocese.