The Archdiocese is working with the Archdiocese of Westminster, the Diocese of Brentwood and other established young adult groups to develop young adult ministry in London

St. George's Cathedral Young Adults

St. George's Cathedral has a Young Adults Group that meets weekly on a Thursday. The Cathedral also has a monthly Young Adults Mass on the first Sunday of each month. To stay updated on the group's activities, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram @stgeorgesya or email


Local Young Adults Groups

If you're looking for young adult groups in your local area, you can also email us at, and we'll gladly provide you with details of the groups near you.


Catholic Young London Network- COMING SOON

We are collaborating with various organizations, including the Archdiocese of Westminster and the Diocese of Brentwood, to signpost you to local young adult activities in London, and develop exciting central events. By joining us, you'll have the opportunity to know what's going on in London. Click here to join our network.