Sister Sheila Moloney, a nun of 60 years, is recognised for her hospital ministry

A religious sister of 60 years has been recognised by the Archdiocese of Southwark for her inspirational ministry in Croydon Hospital.


Sister Sheila Moloney, a Daughter of Mary and Joseph, has spent all her religious life in the Archdiocese of Southwark. In her life she has been a teacher and headteacher at Coloma Convent Girls' School, and she continues to serve her community as part of the Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care team at Croydon Hospital.

Archbishop of Southwark John Wilson has thanked Sister Sheila for her tireless efforts in putting the words of the Lord Jesus into action. The Archbishop said:        

“Sister Sheila is a remarkable woman who has brought so much joy to people throughout her many years of caring, by showing them the compassionate face of the Lord Jesus, often at difficult times in their lives. The Lord Jesus calls us to show His love and mercy to all those whom we meet, and Sister Sheila’s life is a clear example to us of how to do exactly that.

“I would like to thank Sister Sheila for all that she has done for the Archdiocese and I look forward to celebrating the anniversary of her religious vows with her later this year.”

Her work means so much to the patients, as Frances – a carer for one of the patients, Marion – Sister Sheila has supported in the hospital, attests:

“Marion was very traumatised and poorly when she came to hospital, but what lifted her was when Sister Sheila walked in. For Marion she was an absolute God send.

“Marion said to me that Sister Sheila prayed and prayed that my legs would get better, and Marion said: ‘they did!’

Sister Sheila is very humble about her ministry, but she is truly putting the words of Christ and her Catholic faith into action. Sister Sheila says she “just does what she can”, but it’s her devout faith in the Lord Jesus which guides her, which shines through when she speaks about her Ministry:

“I’m not taking Christ to them, Christ is with those people already. We are encountering Christ at each bedside.”

The whole of the Archdiocese of Southwark congratulates Sister Sheila on her extraordinary ministry in putting the words and love of Christ into action.

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